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Imagine a New You... Empowered, Exceptional &


Take command of your health and never look back.

Start here with my online training, 

The Holistic Concierge Rewiring Routine.

Does this sound like you?

  • You have no energy or motivation to do the things you once loved...

  • You feel lost and directionless...

  • You dread just getting out of bed in the morning...

  • You are tired of feeling dismissed by practitioners and given bandaid solutions…

  • You don't want to continue troubleshooting on your own because nothing has worked so far…

  • You have spent hundreds on supplements, tests and hacks, but have yet to find any REAL answers and solutions…


Imagine if you could...

  • Wake up every morning with intention and excitement to take on the day.

  • Overcome your health issues, burnout, brain fog and pain.

  • Say goodbye to food fears and sensitivities!

  • Understand the imbalances in your body and HOW they are contributing to your symptoms.

  • Have a clear plan of action designed just for YOU.

  • Finally let go of your fear, trust the path you are on, and believe in your body’s ability to heal.

  • Have a different type of relationship with your practitioner – one where you feel truly supported, guided and informed with what’s happening in your body and WHY.

  • Feel empowered with the tools you need to be your healthiest, happiest and most vibrant self!


I’ve been exactly where you are, which is why I can help!


I'm Jessica Jackson, Certified Holistic Health + Wellness Coach, Self-Care Specialist, and Meditation Teacher. 


I coach high-performing, high-value men and women build strong bodies and minds by using lifestyle as medicine. Together, we’ll restore balance in all areas of your life; get to the root cause of sabotage to reignite your inner spark, reclaim agency over your life, and increase your overall energy-levels, happiness, and well-being.
If you’re finally ready to prioritize yourself, your physical health, and self-worth with the strategy, accountability, and support of a personal’ve come to the right place.

As a Holistic Wellness Coach, here's what I do for you

  • I guide and mentor. I am supportive and I encourage positive changes alongside your doctors and western medicine. I bridge the gap.

  • I'll help you understand how overall health can be achieved through quality of life, not just exercise and nutrition.

  • I teach my clients to unlearn things that aren’t true and encourage you to make small changes that are impactful for YOU. Together, we’ll understand healthy choices that work for you and I’ll help you put those into practice. 

  • There is absolutely nothing you can say to me that I will judge. I’ve heard it all. I will provide you with a safe space, a neutral space, with no agenda other than helping you achieve your personal goals. 

  • And together, we’ll set effective and achievable long-term goals, and we’ll celebrate your successes


It all starts with this Training

The Holistic Concierge

Rewiring Routine

Here's what you'll learn...

The Secret to Building Healthy Habits and Keeping Them for Years!

If you’re like most people, you’ve tried creating new habits, maybe even read some books on it, and failed, again, and again, and again...

AND…you know that if you just created some new habits, you’d live an entirely different life.

Habits Like...

  • Naturally waking up with ease, instead of hitting snooze 6 times

  • Taking care of your needs FIRST, before helping everyone else in your life

  • Meditating every morning to start your day with awareness and intention

  • Staying focused instead of checking your phone every time it buzzes

  • Keeping your house clean instead of letting a mess pile up

  • Feeling excited instead of feeling like you're in a rut - and knowing how to break yourself out of one, FAST

  • Going to the gym but finding a workout that works for you

  • Eating a salad and mindfully enjoying it, instead of grabbing a burger on the go

  • Going to bed at a time that works best for your body instead of watching Netflix or scrolling on social media for hours

In this masterclass we'll show you:

  1. How to determine which habits you want to make and which ones you want to break

  2. Where to find the time for new, healthy habits

  3. How to decode the anatomy of a habit so you can create new habits whenever you want

  4. And finally, we’ll walk you through simple steps for you to over haul your routine to make room for habits that STICK

Sleep Hygiene and How Your Sleep Impacts Your Success (And why your current routine is holding you back!)

Many people struggle with getting a good night’s sleep, causing difficulties in other parts of their lives. Have you tried to improve your sleep?

This masterclass focuses on improving your ability to fall asleep and improve the quality of your sleep by making a few simple, but powerful shifts in routine and behaviors. Want to know what they are?

This training helps you recognize your individual sleeping needs and habits, and how to adjust them accordingly! Join us, and let's improve your health by focusing on the most important recovery process – your sleep.


Spirituality and Mindset

Are you struggling to "get out of your own way?" Don't know how to tune out those negative thoughts?


 Would you rather take your life and career to the next level, expand your possibilities, increase your comfort taking risks, and elevate your performance at work and happiness in life?


Find out how shifting your mindset  can reap huge rewards, both in work and in life. 

In this masterclass, you will:

  • Understand why you are currently 'stuck' in the same mindset you have always been. 

  • Discover the roadblocks that may be keeping you from having a better mindset, including

    • Lack of confidence

    • Fear of failure

    • Fear of success

    • Perfectionism

    • Just plain feeling stuck.

  • Find proven strategies to address these roadblocks and discover how you can step out of your comfort zone, adopt stretch goals, and become a better version of yourself. 

Create a Plan and Vision to Begin Living the Best Year of Your Life

Creating a plan and strategy is the most important thing you can do to when improving and working on yourself. We will wrap up with a step by step plan that maps out how you can start living the best year of your life. 

Mountain Ridge

The Holistic Concierge

Rewiring Routine

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